papper chicken
1 chicken,cut in to pieces with bone
3/4 cup yoghurt or ice cream
1/2 tsp ground garlic 1 tbs coarsely
ground black pepper
juice of 1 lemon
2tbs butter
8 birds eye chillies salt taste
2-3 large potatoes oil for deep frying
marinate the chicken in yoghurt or ice cream,garlic,black pepper,salt and lemon juice for an hour heat 2 tbs of butter and add the birds eye chillies.when they begin to turn brown,add the chicken with the marinade.Cook until the chicken is tender.braise well.cut thin potato sticks and deep fry in oil until crisp.Lay out the cooked chicken in a casserole or pyrex dish and garnish with potato chip and few whole mint leaves and serve.
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